Connecting with the Goddess

Connecting with the Goddess is symbolic of our own meeting with our own concept of perfection. In Ecospirituality, “perfection” means the ability to accept our darker impulses from the Shadow without feeling obligated to act on them. By recognizing and accepting these parts of ourselves without feeling obligated to do anything about them, we create the capacity to just be […]

Completeness and Perfection

We all long for completeness and perfection to some extent. Every human being on the planet has also experienced occasional feelings of shame, guilt, blame, or inferiority. Such feelings are a natural part of the human condition. They are the source of many of the problems we experience with our relationships, careers, spiritual endeavors, and day-to-day living. As human beings, […]

Healthcare Death Panels: When Saving Money Became More Important Than Saving Lives

Insurance companies are the real healthcare death panels. In 2020, after years of serving as a mental health professional, I made the heartbreaking decision to retire from counseling and therapy. I didn’t leave because I no longer cared for my patients or because the work had grown too difficult. I left because insurance companies were actively prioritizing profit over people—refusing […]

The Goddess

Upon emerging from the Cave, the Goddess in the form of White Buffalo Woman appeared to Coyote. “Tell me what you saw in the cavern,” White Buffalo Woman began. Coyote described what he had seen. As he spoke, a smile spread on her face while the firelight danced in her eyes.He told her of the fire with the mysterious backward-facing […]

The Cave: Escaping

In our Coyote story escaping the cave means successfully completing the Road of Trials. In our story, Coyote symbolically dies to his old way of being by being ritually torn apart by the dancers in the cave. His spiritual death to the old way of being was a metaphorical emptying of his cup so that it might be refilled when […]