Accessing course materials is easy once you know a few basic steps. The following is a step-by-step guide to accessing your course materials once you have purchased them.

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Courses are best viewed using Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or Internet Explorer. Other browsers may create login issues. If you are having difficulty logging in, please switch to one of these browsers or empty your browser’s cache. If you are logged in using one of the browsers listed above and are having difficulty viewing course materials, trying clearing your browser’s cache, then log in again.

Accessing Course Materials

Step 1 “My Account” Tab

Once you have purchased your course materials, go to your account by clicking on the “My Account” tab on the far right of the main menu.

Step 2 “My Courses” Tab

From your account page, you will be able to see a list of courses you are enrolled in under the title, “My Courses.”

There is also a pull-down menu under the “My Account” tab that takes you to a list of all courses you are enrolled in. This is labeled “My Courses.” You may also access your profile under this tab in the “My Profile” pulldown menu.

NOTE: You must be logged in to be able to access your course materials. If you are not logged in, you won’t be able to see your courses.

Step 3 Find Your Course

Find the icon that corresponds to the course you wish to access, then click on it. Your course will open. Courses have different formats based on course content, but all course lessons will be listed on the right sidebar as illustrated below.

There will also be a course description for each course and instructions on how to take the course.

Click on a lesson in the right sidebar to begin your course. If you stop and return to your course later, you may use the sidebar to navigate through your course. You may mark your progress by checking each lesson as “completed” as you finish the lesson.

Registering for an account | Registering for courses

Accessing course materials | Printing Your Certificate

If you are having a problem not addressed here, please complete the form below. Please include a detailed description of which course you’re having difficulty with and what the problem is.

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